
Recent discussions on the infamous Bermuda Triangle

In the past five centuries, over 1,000 ships that sailed through the area and aircraft that flew over the triangle have reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard however say there are no supernatural explanations for such disasters.


Pic: US’s National Ocean Service website

The infamous Bermuda Triangle stretching between the Florida Straits, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, is a mysterious triangular region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.

In the past five centuries, over 1,000 ships that sailed through the area and aircraft that flew over the triangle have reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard say there are no supernatural explanations for such disasters.

Here are the top 11 recent internet discussions on the infamous Bermuda Triangle:

1.A cargo ship on October 1 last year sank after being caught in a powerful hurricane while sailing from Jacksonville to San Juan, Puerto Rico killing all 33 people on board.

The ship El Faro was tracked in an area of water in Bermunda triangle. Search parties have released images recently showing the doomed ship resting 15,000ft beneath the sea off the coast, reports Daily Mail.

2. The Bermuda Triangle is not fixed and stretches 440,000 miles on the Atlantic Ocean. Disappearances have also been reported outside the Triangle area. According to Hello Travel this is larger than the combined area of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra.

3. Every year, on an average, 4 planes and 20 yachts go missing in the Triangle.

4. There is reportedly electronic fog in the area, which people, who have been there, claim to be emerging from a Time Travel Tunnel.

5. Italian explorer Christopher Columbus was the first man to write about the Bermuda Triangle.
According to him the ship’s compass stopped working inside the triangle and he also saw a fireball in the sky, reports India Today citing Columbus’s writing in journal.

6. The debris of lost planes or ships have never been found in and around the area, since they get washed away by Gulf Stream running near the Triangle.

7. The United States Navy’s Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) is located inside the Bermuda Triangle where US Navy tests their submarines and other weapons, but many believe that it is more than just the testing center, says HelloeTravel.

8. Many films have been made on the Bermuda Triangle, namely The Bermuda Triangle (1978), The Triangle (2001), Triangle (2009), Satan’s Triangle (1975), Lost Voyage (2001), The Bermuda Depths (1978) and Bermuda Tentacles (2014).

There are three new Hollywood films on the same subject in the making, says The Hollywood Reporter.
It says Skydance Productions is developing a film based on this infamous, mysterious Caribbean area where planes and ships inexplicably have gone missing.

Doug Miro and Carlo Bernard, the co-writers of America’s famous adventure film ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’, are working on a script based on an original screenplay by box office hit writers of ‘Friday the 13’ Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, it says.

9. While in the Bermuda Triangle, your compass will never point towards the Magnetic North, but true north. This is the reason why ships and aircraft lose their way in the area, reports say.

10. The biggest loss for the US Navy in the Bermuda Triangle occurred on March 4, 1918.
India Today reported USS Cyclops, carrying a full load of minerals, went missing without a trace with a crew of 309 after March 4, 1918. It had departed from the island of Barbados.

11. On Dec 5, 1945, Flight 19 with five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers reportedly disappeared while flying over the Triangle. Even a search and rescue aircraft with 13-men crew engaged to track them, also disappeared, said Wikipedia.

External links

What is the Bermuda Triangle?

Does the Bermuda Triangle really exist? 

Big Wire

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